Page 27 - Bhakthinivedana-Telugu-September-2021-Magazine.pmd
P. 27

in Chicago University (1999) in his       12e X¯‘êã›|ü⁄ XÊ+&ç\´ uÛÑøÏÔ       wüDà‘·eTT\T n+fÒ Äs¡T` n$
            book The Embodiment of Bhakti says dü÷Á‘ê\T  ìs¡TZD  uÛÑøÏÔì,  n+‘·≈£î
                                                                                  yÓ’wüíe, XË’e, XÊπøÔj·T, >±D≤|ü‘·´, ø±]Ôπøj·T,
            :All devotional poetry plays on the |üPs¡«yÓTÆq Hês¡<ä uÛÑøÏÔdü÷Á‘ê\T dü>∑TD
            tension between saguna and nirguna, uÛÑøÏÔì $e]kÕÔsTT .
            the lord as person and the lord as prin-                                     á eT‘ê˝À¢ ≈£î\+ Ä<Ûës¡+>±
                                               ‘·$Tfi¯ kÕVæ≤‘·´+ :`
            ciple. If he were entirely a person, he                               uÛÒ<ë\T, Ä#êsê\ ù|s¡ <äTsê#êsê\T
            would not be divine, and if he were                                   ô|]–b˛e&É+ e\¢ Äj·÷ eT‘ê\qT
                                                      eT<Ûä´j·TT>±\ Hê{Ï uÛ≤s¡‘· <˚X¯
            entirely a principle, a godhead, one  #·]Á‘·˝À  uÛÑøÏÔ  ñ<ä´eT+  ø°\ø£yÓTÆq  dü+düÿ]+∫, ≈£î\eT‘êr‘·+>± uÛÑøÏÔ,
            could not make poems about him.    kÕ+düÿ‹  ø√<ä´eT+.  ÄHê{Ï  uÛÑøÏÔ uÛ≤e+ n+<ä]ø° kÕe÷q´y˚T nì #Óù|Œ
                    The Vaishnavas, too, say that
                                               ñ<ä´eT+ Á|üuÛ≤e+ kÕVæ≤‘·´ s¡+>∑+ ô|’q uÛÑøÏÔ  kÕVæ≤‘·´+  dü+düÿs¡D  ø√dü+
            the lord is characterized by both
                                               $kÕÔs¡+>± |ü&ç+~.                  dü+düÿs¡D\ s¡÷|ü+˝À düe÷»+˝À m~–
            paratva, otherness and soulabhya, ease

            of access, he is both here and beyond,    uÛÑ>∑e+‘·T&ç‘√  e´øÏÔ>∑‘·   e∫Ã+~.
                                               kÕìïVæ≤‘·´+  nH˚  ø=‘·Ô  uÛÑøÏÔì  á
            both tangible as a person and intan-                                         dü÷ú\+>± Ä˝À∫ùdÔ uÛÑ>∑eBZ‘·,
                                               ñ<ä´eT+ ø£*Œ+∫+~.  uÛÑøÏÔ ñ<ä´e÷ìøÏ
            gible as a principle-such is the nature                               uÛ≤>∑e‘·+ e+{Ï Á>∑+<∏ë\T uÛÑøÏÔ ñ<ä´
                                               Ä<äT´\T  Á<ä$&ÉT\T  n+fÒ  <äøÏåD≤q
            of the ground of all being.                                           e÷ìøÏ Ä<Ûësê\T nì ns¡úeTe⁄ ‘·T+~.
                                               ‘·$Tfi¯s¡#·sTT‘·\ì #Ó|üŒe#·TÃ. Ç|ü⁄Œ&ÉT
                    It is not either or, but both                                 ≈£î\$uÛÒ<ë\qT ≈£L\ <√j·T&É+ nedüs¡
                                               ‘·$Tfi¯Hê&ÉT πøs¡fi¯ ÁbÕ+‘ê\qT Á<ä$&É+
            and; myth, bhakti and poetry would                                    yÓTÆ+~.
                                               n+≥THêïs¡T.  ø±ì Äs¡´ dü+düÿ‹øÏ
            be impossible without the presence of
                                               _ÛqïyÓTÆq  dü+düÿ‹>±  Á<ä$&É  uÛ≤cÕ
            both attitudes Karen Pechilis Prentiss                                       uÛÑ>∑e+‘·T&ç >∑T]+∫ #·<äTe⁄ø√e
            the Embodiment of Bhakti.          yêvàj·T kÕVæ≤‘ê´\qT eØZø£]dü÷Ô ‘·$Tfi¯,  &ÜìøÏ n+<äs¡÷ ns¡TΩ˝ nì ìs¡›«+<ä«+>±
                                               ‘Ó\T>∑T,  ø£qï&É,  eT\j·÷fi¯  uÛ≤wü\
                    Oxford University Press,                                      #Ó|æŒq ñ<ä´eT+ ` uÛÑøÏÔ ñ<ä´eT+.
            1999.  Short introduction: Reframed  düeTT<ëj·÷ìï Á<ä$&É uÛ≤wü\Hêïs¡T.

            the much-discussed religious path of      <äøÏåD≤q  (mì$T<√ X¯‘êã›+          n+<ä]ø° düT\uÛÑ+>± n+<ä&Éy˚T
            bhakti in scholarship from its static ˝Ò<ë n+‘·≈£îeTT+<äT n+fÒ  Áø°düTÔ X¯ø£eTT  uÛÑ>∑e+‘·T&ç  kÕs¡«»˙q  \ø£åDeT˙
            definition of ``devotion to a multidi- Äs√ X¯‘êã›+ n+≥÷  ø=+<äs¡Hêï)  Äfi≤«s¡T¢, >√<ë<˚$, sêe÷qTE\T #ê{Ï
            mensional characterization of it as ø£*j·TT>±s¡+uÛÑ+ qT+∫  Äfi≤«s¡T\T uÛÑøÏÔ  #ÓbÕŒs¡T. J$‘·eT+‘ê Ä dü÷Á‘ê\qT
            ``devotional participation Pechilis`` ñ<ä´eT Hêj·T≈£î\T>± ñHêïs¡T. XË’e yÓ’wüíe nqTdü]+∫ #·÷bÕs¡T.
            humanistic emphasis unlocked bhakti dü+Á|ü<ëj·÷\˝À y˚<ë\≈£î Á|ü‘ê´e÷ïj·T
            as a history of doing -- interpretive ‘·$Tfi¯ Á>∑+<∏ë\T yÓ*XÊsTT.             uÛÑøÏÔ ñ<ä´eT+ Á|ü»\˝À Hê≥T≈£î
                                                                                  b˛e&ÜìøÏ, y˚\ dü+e‘·‡sê\ qT+∫
            thought, literary and musical compo-      XÊπøÔj·T, kÕàs¡Ô uÛÑøÏÔ kÕVæ≤‘ê´\T
            sition, performance, community -- and  ≈£L&Ü ˇø=ø£ÿ <Ûës¡>± Äj·÷ uÛ≤wü˝À¢  ñ+&çb˛e&ÜìøÏ  ø±s¡D+  Ä  kÕs¡«
            as an active locus of distinctive con-                                »˙q‘ê  eT]j·TT  kÕs¡«ø±*ø£‘˚.
                                               Á|üeVæ≤düTÔHêïsTT.    yÓ’wüíe+,  XË’e+,
            structions of identity.                                               n+<ä]ø° düe÷q+>± n+<äø£b˛‘˚ n~
                                               XÊπøÔj·T+, kÕàs¡Ô+ nì ø=ìï. ‘·s¡Tyê‘·  Á|üø£‹ $s¡T<ä∆+ nH˚ kÕe÷q´ dü÷Á‘·y˚T
                    Ä~X¯+ø£s¡Tì n<Ó’«‘· y˚<ë+  dæKTÿ uÛÑøÏÔ kÕVæ≤‘·´+ ≈£L&Ü e∫Ã+~.
            ‘·eTT,  sêe÷qTEì  $•cÕº<Ó’«‘·      <Ó’«‘·, n<Ó’«‘,· $•cÕº<Ó’«‘· dæ<ë∆+‘ê\  uÛÑøÏÔ ñ<ä´eT+˝À eT÷\ dü÷Á‘·+.

            y˚<ë+‘·eTT,  eT<Ûë«#ês¡´  <Ó’«‘·                                             nsTT‘˚ ø=+<äs¡T |ü]XÀ <Ûä≈£î\T
            y˚<ë+‘·eTT uÛÑøÏÔ ñ<ä´eT dæ<ë∆+‘ê\qT  #·T≥÷º á uÛÑøÏÔ kÕVæ≤‘·´+ n_Ûe~∆  á $X‚¢wüDqT n+^ø£]+#·&É+ ˝Ò<äT.
            Á|ü|ü+#· yê´|üÔ+ #˚XÊsTT.          #Ó+~+~.
            dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddôdô|º+ãs¡T  2021                                      i uÛÑøÏÔìy˚<äq 27
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