Page 29 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 29

J Jet & VT News
                                                                                                      et & V
                                                                                                             T News
              VT Seva Bay Area Human                                Since Thulasi Matha is a form of Lakshmi Devi,
                            Services                           Akshaya wanted to bring prosperity into a child's life
                                                               and to all who supported her goal to help educate a
                 Sandwich Making (Family Housing) - For  child by buying the plant.
          VT - Seva Bay Area’s sandwich making activity of
          November youth volunteers packed PBJ and Veggie            Akshaya is an 8th grader and a proud student
          sandwiches for a family housing center in San Jose.   of Prajna. In her words, “I have been in Prajna for
          The families received a nutritious meal thanks to our   the past five years and in VT Seva for about a year.
          youth volunteers!                                    I am very much inspired by the complex concepts
                                                               of Slokas and Dharma which I have been learning
                                                               from my Prajna classes. Some of my hobbies are
                    VT Seva Houston                            gardening, reading and drawing. From a young age
                                                               I was also eager to help others. But I did not know
                 Volunteers participated in a 100-tree planting  how to do this in a way that would have a greater
          activity under the guidance of the Alief Super  impact on people, till I joined VTSeva to help less
          Neighborhood Council. Along with several local  privileged kids.  I want to continue volunteering with
          volunteers from various organizations and schools,  VT Seva, because it is an organization that works for
          our volunteers learned and implemented the process  meaningful causes. The experiences I have gained
          of planting trees for sustained growth. We thank Alief  through this project taught me a handful of unique
          Super Neighborhood Council and Keep Houston  skills.”

          Beautiful for the service opportunity!
                                                                    Jai Srimannarayana !
           Fund Raise event for Netra
            Vidyalaya Kids from Plant

                 Putting the learning from Prajna classes into
          practice, a student from Seattle, Akshaya, grew Tulasi
          plants  from  seeds  and  raised  funds by  selling  the
          plant saplings to interested people to raise funds for
          Nethra Vidyalaya students.  She has also summarized
          the tips to keep the plant healthy  during all the

                                                                     -- Viswamitra Prajna article
                                                                       continued from page 24

                                                               Jai Sri:manna:rayana!!

                                                               Jyotsna T | Module 3 | Prajna Plymouth, MN

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