Page 24 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 24

as Rangamanna:r (Srivillipuththur).  One auspicious  riverbed.
          day  ‘Thiruva:di  Pu:ram’,  Vishnuchiththa  found a
          girl under the Thulasi  plant  in  the  garden.  The   Playful chapter of Lord Krushna’s life. Andal’s union
          girl is an avata:ram of Bhu:devi, She is named as     with the Lord Krushna.
          Ko:dai and grew-up as devotee of Lord Krushna.
          She believed to adorn the garland before offering to   Kuyil Pa:tu asks cuckoo to sing in praise of the Lord.
          Lord Vatapathrasa:yi. One day, Vishnuchiththa found   Andal’s dream of marrying Lord Krushna.
          out this incident and got very upset. He felt it was a   Andal asking the clouds to send messages to Lord
          big apacha:ram. However, Lord Vishnu appeared in      Krushna.
          dream of Periya:zhwar asked him not to be angry on
          Sri Andal. He instructs to dedicate the garland to Sri     The rest of the decades were Andal’s efforts
          Andal and then offer to him. Thus, the girl Ko:dai also   to speed up her union with Lord Krushna. Swami
          called as ‘Su:dikoduththa Na:chchiya:r’ meaning ‘The   Manava:la Maha:muni in Upad:esa Rathnama:la
          girl who adorned the garland and offered to Peruma:l’.  reveals that Andal’s divine incarnation in this world

                 Andal's compilations                           was only for our sake and Sri Bhu:de:vi didn’t come to
                                                                bhu:lo:kam as Andal for her needs but for the welfare
                                                                all of us.
                Andal has composed two famous literary works
          “Thiruppavai and Na:chchiya:r Thirumozhi”. Both are   inro: thiruva:dippu:ram emakka:ga
                                                                anro: ingu a:nda:l avadhariththa:l – kunra:dha
          in rich Thamizh script. Thiruppavai is a collection of   va:zhva:na vaigundha va:n bho:gam thannai
          30 songs in which Andal imagines herself as Gopika    igazhndhu
          (Cowherd girl) who is devoted  to Lord Krushna. In  a:zhwa:r thirumagala:ra:y
          the 30 songs, she describes her yearning to serve Lord          Ramcharan Athur Balaji | LMiG II | Prajna,
          Krushna by which one can attain not only materialistic                                       Minneapolis
          happiness but also attain Eternal Bliss.
                                                                 Vishwamitra - The Achiever
                It is said by our pu:rva:cha:ryas - Thiruppavai
          is the nectar of Vedas,  teaches moral values and  the       Jai Sri:manna:rayana!
          ultimate goal of  life.  Thiruppavai is  also  hailed  as
          “Ve:damanaiththukkum  viththu”   meaning   ‘Seed
          of  all  Vedic  Knowledge’.  Na:chchiyar  Thirumozhi  is       iswa:mithra was born as a Kshathriya to king
          a collection of 143 verses which are divided into 14         Ga:dhi. After the encounter with Vasishtta and
          decades.  It  reveals  how  Andal  dreams  of  marrying   VSabala, the divine cow,  Vishwamithra wanted
          Peruma:l.                                             to become a 'Ra:jarshi' !

                                                                     He does penance and becomes 'Ra:jarshi'.
          What each decade is about
                                                                After that, he does severe penance for thousands of
          Each decades talks about -                            years and becomes 'Maharshi'. His determination to
                                                                become ' Brahmarshi ' did not cease. He continued to
          Andal’s prayer to Ka:ma de:va to seek Lord Krushna    perform severe penance for many many years. After
          as her Husband.                                       conquering Ka:ma and Kro:dha he finally gained the
                                                                title of 'Bramharishi' !!      --Continued in page 29
          Andal’s prayer to preserve her sand castle on the

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