Page 25 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 25

                                                                                                     Jet & VT News
                                                                                                             T News
                                                                                                      et & V
                     JET News                                   Rama and Ramanuja.  As younger brother of Rama,
                                                                as Lakshmana, as Balarama, as Adisesha, and as
                                                                Ramanuja his mission was only to serve Rama. Hence,
                  JET Austin Raganjali                          it was only befitting that we start our tribute with an

               celebrates Sama:ro:ham                           invocation to Rama.

                    ith the blessings of H.H. Sri Chinna Jeeyar        Our first recital for Sama:ro:ham was offered on
                    Swamiji, JET Austin Raganjali is presenting  Dec 18, 2021 at Austin Hindu Temple.  This thematic
          W2 musical recitals as a tribute to the historic  presentation of "Sri Rama Jayam", was in praise of
          Sama:ro:ham event in February 2022.                   Ra:ma. A "Dva:dasa Ra:gama:lika", an offering of 12
                                                                songs on Lord Sri Rama are included the Navaratna
                  The recitals are dedicated to the lotus feet of   keertanas sung at Bhadrachalam every year.
          our beloved acharya, H.H. Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami
          who brought Ramanuja to our hearts and sent us out to      Our second recital for Sama:roham is a thematic
          spread Ramanuja’s works through music. Since 2016,  presentation "Jaya Ramanuja", in praise of Ramanuja
          our musical journey that started out as Sahasrabdi  will include a selection of songs in many languages on
          offering, continued as "Moksha Through Music" series  the glory of Ramanuja. This will be offered on Jan 29,
          weaving the tenets of Ramanuja into our music.        2022 at Austin Hindu Temple.

                  There is deep association of the words             Jai Srimannarayana !

                                                                                                                                             Jan 2022  Bhakthi Nivedana  25
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