Page 34 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 34

                e 2 Ve:d
                                   as &
          The 2 Ve:das &                                                                       poetic    structure,
                                                                                               which mesmerizes
          Sri:Vaishnavam                                                                       us is arranged like
                                                                                               pleats of a saree,
          - 32 -       Thir     u  p  p a :V ai-                                               which is a beautiful
          - 32 - Thiruppa:Vai-
                                                                                               poetic meter in
          Relevance &                                                                          Tamil     literature.
                              e &
                                                                                               Such a structure
          Significance                                                                         gives vibrancy to
                                                                                               the poem as well
               In  this  month  of  Ma:rghazhi  (Dhanurma:sa),                                 for reciters and
          as devotees celebrate Sri Goda's Divya Prabandham                                    listeners.     This
          and her glory, it is no surprise that Thiruppa:vai is                                structure is  known
          not only revered by devotees in our sampradha:yam,  as  “Kochaga  Kalippa.”  The  word  Kochagam  means
          it is a universal text that propagates devotion and  Kosuvam in Tamil, which are like pleats in a saree or
          valuable principles to lead a good life in service  pancha kachcham. We all imbibe the poetic structure
          to Sri:manna:ra:yana and His devotees and more  in our daily recitals as  the poem  gives an enticing
          importantly the society.                             tone and attracts us to recite. For instance, we all can
                  Thiruppa:vai and Its                         enjoy this when we recite the pa:suram 24, “Andru
                                                               Ivvulagam Alandha:i.”
                                                                   Conversational Bhakthi
               These days we are rightly advised to pay attention              Bha:va Text
          to our environment so that we leave Mother Earth in
          a better way to our future generations. Sri Andal who      It is commonly accepted in the Sana:thana
          is none other than Bhudevi left the heavenly abode,  dharmam that Srimadh Bha:gavath Pura:nam is
          Sri Vaikuntam to save us and provide instructions  considered as bhakthi bha:va text. The characteristic
          to lead good life according to sa:stra:s. Swa:mi  feature of this text is the conversational structure
          Pillailokha:charyar aptly scribes this in Sri:vachana  throughout  the  text  as  epitomized by  the
          bhu:shanam that when Goddess Bhudevi leaves  conversations between Sri Sukha and King Parikshith.
          Peruma:n, she instructs us and when she is with the  As highlighted by Swami Mamunigal, Sri Andal
          Lord, she constantly instructs Him to take care of us.  followed the style of Sage Vya:sa:, and structured the
          Sri Godha's instructions are so relevant today, which  text as a conversational one by portraying herself
          instructs us to be a servant to the Lord and along the  as a Go:pika in a supreme bha:vana: prakarsham.
          way take care of the environment and society. Hence  While Bha:gavatham is in Sanskrit, Sri Andal, scribes
          the text is “Prabo:dhana,” masterpiece.              this conversational bhakthi text in Tho:ya (pristine)

                  Great Poetical Text                          Tamil to reach the masses and educates us about the
                                                               “Sarana:gathi,” path to attain the Lord’s feet to be

               In Tamil literature, great  classic  texts  are   structured   at His service. Both these bhakthi texts talk about
          into three categories: 1) Poetry (Iyal); 2) Musical   Emperuma:n  Kannan’s  kalya:na  guna:s  and  unites
          songs (Isai) and 3) Drama (Natakam). Thiruppa:vai    us—this is bhakthi. In Sankrit, the word bhakthi can
          has  all  these  characteristics  with  a  coherent  poetic   be attributed to as “sharing.” As Bha:gavatham itself
          structure (8 lines), mellifluous flow and melody. The   states each word in the text is “sva:dhu,” so is the

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