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P. 35

Th e 2 Ve:d as & V ais hn a v am
                                                                                       The 2 Ve:das & Vaishnavam

          sangathamizh (uniting Tamil text) text of Sri Andal.  see this today as Thiruppa:vai recitals are part of

              Thiruppa:vai: A Treasure                         daily religious rituals. Particularly in the month of
                                                               Ma:rghazhi,  Thiruppa:vai  recitals  happen  in  early
                       Trove for Life                          mornings in temples and sathsangs that stretches

                                                               from Melbourne to Seattle and Azhvarthirunagari to
               Andal was not only a philosophical exemplar,
          but also a great poet, whose words touch all sections   Dallas. Every time, when lectures happen on this text,
          of the society. As alluded earlier, the text has three   it lends itself to fresh and new thoughts in addition
          important structural characteristics of classical    to established vya:kya:nas. We enjoy different aspects
          Tamil literature and the text has three supreme value   of this text as it relates to Sri Ra:ma:yanam and other
          attributes: 1) Divine Tamil; 2) Poetical Tamil and 3)   A:zhva:rs’ texts—such is this fertile text!
          Life Tamil.                                                  No wonder Pa:dma Pura:na mentions bhakthi

                         Divine Text                           originated in South India, “Uthpanna: Dravide,”
                                                               with the bhakthi river flowing in regions around
               In the introductory part of the text, with all   Srivilliputhur, Azhhvarthirunagari and Srirangam.
          certainty, Andal shines light on all three aspects as                  Life Text
          highlighted above with great emotion. On the get go,
          Thiruppa:vai categorically states Sri:manna:ra:yana        The divine text also preaches highways of
          is the supreme who can grant us eternal bliss to be   living life. Andal while uniting folks for Sri Krishna
          of service to Him and His devotees. One of the       anubhavam, instructs us to live well and addresses
          attributes of Sarana:gathi is faith [Maha:vishva:sam],   us that we are all blessed to live here to do Krishna
          which A:ndal depicts precisely in an easy way to learn   anubhavam and enjoy these great aspects of life with
          and understand as “Na:ra:yanane:” It is the faith that   His devotees. Andal while preaching bhakthi aspects,
          drives us forward. And in the times of great stress   emphasizes faith, determination and caring for the
          like  the  present  times,  hope  for better days  ahead   society. Why would Andal praise those living in this
          is the quality we all need. How aptly Andal stresses   uncertain world? Is this not hope in the Supreme and
          from the get go in the text, by expressing great faith   us! We look forward to the next day, look forward to
          in Sri:manna:ra:yana and her fellow beings. Andal    Ma:rghazhi month every year to enjoy Thiruppa:vai
          labors hard to bring her society folks into a single fold   and Adhyayana festivities—this is hope again.
          to practice bhakthi, again emphasizing faith in the
          society. Andal’s text showcases high ways of living in     Thiruppa:vai is a divine text that is a text  for
          service to the Lord and the society—a text that will   all ages and showcases bhakthi emotion, which
          live forever, as we see this aspect during this stressful   highlights the purpose of life. Our preceptors have
          times.                                               attached enormous importance to this text which is
                                                               deep in theological aspects and poetic beauty. It is
                       Poetical Text                           certainly an aide-memoir for living well.

               Andal was a forerunner among Tamil poets              Sri Andal has ruled over Emperuma:n Krushna,
          to express sa:stra: essence and bhakthi in structured   ruled over Tamil language and certainly rules all of us!
          Tamil text known as “Bhakthi literature.” In fact, she
          very well is a leader in this genre along with other             - By: Professor Gomatam Seshadri Ramkumar,
          bhakthi literature saints. The text is written in a mind   Texas Tech University, USA Jai Srimannarayana !
          melting flow in Tamil that entices even a 7-year-
          old and non-native speakers to learn and recite. We

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