Page 36 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 36
: V
Sri: Vachana
B hu :s h an am
lo:ka:cha:rya:ya gurave: Believing strongly in your heart that Sarve:swara
krushna pa:dasya su:nave: | is the upa:ya, is Sarana:gathi. The che:thanas should
samsa:ra bho:gi sandashtta not waver or consider the other upa:yas. No need of
ji:va ji:va:thave: namaha || practicing karma or acquire jna:na.
Aphorism 56 They need to be left out completely as upa:yas.
Neither karma, jnana or bhakthi are upa:yas.
angam thannaiyozhinda davaththai Following them is not an upa:ya so one has to leave all
ppora:thozhikai. the ‘pravruththis’ before adopting sarana:gathi.
etermining the form of prapaththi it has been There are two types of performances –
said - ‘not to bear any other beliefs other pravruththi and nivruththi. Pravruththi is doing
Dthan itself is its (angam) ancillary clause.’ things and
In the charama slo:ka, ‘sarvadharma:n Nivruththi is not doing things. When we say
parithyajya’ - prapaththi is ordained with its take a shower and have your lunch it means we need
subsidiaries. Renouncing all the others upa:yas to take a bath prior to taking our meals. The bath is
(means) with their traces is the subsidiary for a prerequisite/ anga for the meal. So, this needs to
accepting Bhagava:n alone as the upa:ya. Sarana:gathi be followed by us. Here prior to taking sarana:gathi,
is accepting firmly that Sarve:swara is the upa:ya we need not practice anything. We must stop other
and resigning all the other upa:yas. Here it is said things. We need to renounce the belief that they are
one should leave all the other upa:yas with their upa:yas. This is nivruththi. We need not perform any
impressions before accepting Bhagava:n as the upa:ya. other things before sarana:gathi.
So leaving other upa:yas is its prerequisite. A When accompanied by the anga:s, (prior
means that comes with its anga:s or subsidiaries is the practices), ‘pravruththi’, it is upa:ya.
upa:ya. Do Sarana:gathi only after leaving all the other
upa:yas. But when one that is accompanied by anga:s
that constitute the nivruththi form of activity,then we
Here it is explained that we should not cannot call it an upa:ya.
mistakenly judge sarana:gathi to be an upa:ya since it
comes with its anga:s. Here it does not apply. Nothing needs to be done before accepting
36 Bhakthi Nivedana Jan 2022