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               A   s long as the                               of Him – His inner strength or a:thma sakthi.
               As long as the
                                                                     H.H. Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami is gifted with
          moon                     stars        last...         such abundant inner strength, a:thma sakthi. He
          moon  and stars last...  always plans big for doing good for the society in a big
                                                               way. As part of this plan of serving society, he started
                                                               allopathic, ayurvedic and homoepathic hospitals in
               Dear Bhagavad Bandhuo:!
                                                               the Ashram of Divya Saketham as Swamiji believes
               Jai Srimannarayana !                            that care would be wholesome if it rests on four pillars
                                                               ---Veda, Vidya, Vaidya and A:ro:gyam(Vedic learning,
                 here is an oft quoted proverb “A BAD          Education, Health care and Good Health). H.H. Sri
                 WORKER BLAMES HIS TOOLS”. If a person         Pedda Jeeyar swami following Sri Ramanuja strove
           Tfails to execute his plan, he very often takes     for the upliftment of Harijans, women and patriotism.
          shelter under the pretext that he has not got required   H.H. Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami added the above
          support or infrastructure. In fact, he does this to   mentioned four pillars to make it comprehensive.
          hide his incompetence.  A man of accomplishment      H.H. Sri Swamiji has accomplished them by his innate
          will never say that. He would not even entertain any   strength. In addition to this, a few other extraordinary
          doubts about the success of the work contemplated.   qualities come to light in all of his programs. The
          He will not entertain doubts at all. If he doubts it,   devotees often witness them when he is engaged in his
          he will never accomplish it. The competent person    divine work. Most prominently the divine qualities
          will succeed inspite of any impediments and he will   that come to our attention are -
          accomplish it all alone if need be. He alone becomes a
          Maha:thma:. Inner strength alone is the real strength      The great devotion to God- Sri Ramanuja is
          of a Maha:thma:. In the present day, our beloved H.H.   known for limitless love of God. He never for once
          Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami is a contemporary example    acted unless guided by his love of God. H.H. Sri
          for that. You may ask why? There is a Sanskrit sloka   Chinna Jeeyar Swami is inspired and guided by love
          about Lord Sri Rama –                                of God alone

               vije:thavya: lanka: charanatharani:yo:                The desire to work for the welfare of society-
          jalanidhihi                                          H.H. Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji plans big and achieves
                     vipakshaha poulasthyo: ranabhuvi saha:ya:scha   it. He takes care that all his plans are beneficial to the
          kapayaha   |                                         world at large. The services provided at JIVA Ashram
                                                               make it clear.
                   thattha:pye:ko: ra:maha                           Quick Comprehension- He will quickly grasp
                   sakalamavadhi:dra:kshasa kulam              any subject from ancient scriptures to modern science
                   kriya:siddhihi saththve: bhavathi mahatha:m   and interpret it in his inimitable style with excellent
          no:pakarane: ||
                                                               clarity from an original point of view with a highly
               The  sloka  means,  "He  has  to  conquer  Lanka.   gifted eloquence.
          The sea should be crossed on foot. The foe is powerful     Farsightedness-  H.H. Sri Chinna Jeeyar
          Ravana. The ones to help him in war are fickle minded   Swamiji makes  sure that any work should become
          monkeys. Despite these many obstacles Srirama        useful to many people for a long time to come.
          vanquished Lanka and slayed Ravana, and all demons
          supporting Ravana." All this was possible only because

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