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P. 7

Ba :la Nive:d an a  -  Sun d ar a Ka :n d a - 2 3
                                                                        Ba:la Nive:dana  -  Sundara Ka:nda - 23
                                                               get this decision changed.

                                                                     He consented that Hanuman did cause
                                                               collateral damage to their people and properties.
                                                               He deserves punishment. He reminded that
                                                               according to scriptures, it is acceptable to punish
                                                               a messenger.
                                                                     After listing out various ways Ravana can
                                                               choose to punish Hanuman, he appealed to
                                                               Ravana’s valour vis-à-vis a monkey Hanuman and
                                                               two princes, wandering in the forests.

                                                                     He suggested that. “Hanuman is just a
                                                               messenger. He doesn’t own his words. He is only
                                                               conveying the message from someone. Our target
                                                               is to punish or kill those who sent the message.
                                                               He is just a monkey, though powerful enough
                                                               to cause immense damage to Lanka. You have
                                                               enough people to teach him and also those who
                                                               sent him a lesson. If you kill him, he cannot convey
                                                               the message back to Rama. Without receiving his
                                                               message, they cannot come here. This will deprive
                                                               you of an opportunity to show your army’s valour
                                                               and defeat your actual enemies. This is not how
                                                               those with valour would conduct. You should
                                                               never lose an opportunity to fight a war”.

                                                                     An opportunity to kill Rama appealed to
                                                               Ravana’s ego. He consented with Vibhishana’s
                                                               views and agreed to change his decision.
                                                                     He said, “Tails are dear to monkeys. Lit
                                                               fire to this monkey’s tail. Let him go back with a
          stopped. However, Ravana is egoistic and would       burnt tail and get humiliated by his own people.
          not listen to such appeals.                          Before  that  parade  him  with  a  burning  tail  all
               Hence, Vibhishana first caressed his Ego.  along Lanka’s streets. Let the residents of Lanka
          He showered praises about Ravana’s valour and  enjoy the humiliation meted out to an enemy’s
          wisdom. Then, he suggested why it would be  messenger.”

          inappropriate to kill Hanuman, a messenger.                The moment Ravana gave these orders,
               Ravana would not relent so easily. He justified  Rakshasas tied up the tail with clothes, poured oil
          it is not wrong to kill someone who caused harm. and lit it with fire.

               Vibhishana also stood strong for the cause            Hanuman had the strength and power in
          of right. But, he spoke with due awareness of the  him to let loose the ropes and fly away. However,
          situation he is in. He cannot confront Ravana and  he chose to lie low and have fun. He knew, the

                                                                                                                                             Jan 2022  Bhakthi Nivedana  7
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