Page 6 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 6

Sundara                                                 Silence of good people causes bad to spread in the
          Ka:nda                                                    t is often said that suffering in the society is

                                                                    due to the silence of good people than the
                                                                Ideeds of bad people. Fortunately, in Lanka
          (The Journey For                                      a good person spoke up. Vibhishana appealed

          Reunion - 23)                                         against Ravana’s decision to kill Hanuman.

                                                                     Killing    a   messenger,     Hanuman       is
           Vibhishana Comes To Rescue!                          inappropriate by all means. However, Ravana
                                                                instructed to kill Hanuman. This needs to be

         6                                     Bhakthi Nivedana                                         Jan 2022
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