Page 10 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 10

The Price of

          Haste !

                 fter narrating the story of how a rat saved
                 a  cat,  Karataka  said  to Damanaka,  “even
          Aif we befriend an enemy we should be

          careful and make it a temporary affair. We should
          maintain right distance with our detractors.”

               To this Damanaka responded, “I am not a
          fool like that foolish Brahmin, to act in haste and
          spoil the work. I know my limits”.

               It was now Karataka’s turn to get curious and
          enquire Damanaka about the story of the Brahmin
          who acted in haste.

               Once there lived a Brahmin couple in a village.
          The Brahmin’s wife was a bit more intelligent than
          him. They had a month old child. They also had

          a mongoose as pet. While the couple were busy  stick he had on hand and killed it.
          on their errands, the mongoose used to take care
          of the child. The wife used to feed the mongoose           On the other hand the Brahmin’s wife entered
          with some food everyday.                             the hut from backyard. She saw the dead snake
                                                               next to the cradle and guessed what had happened.

               Once the Brahmin went out for some work.  She felt grateful for the mongoose, for saving their
          His wife put the child to sleep in a cradle and went  child from the snake. Suddenly hearing the noise
          to the stream nearby to fetch some water.            from the front end of the house, she ventured out
                                                               see what had happened.
               In the meanwhile a snake climbed up
          the cradle  and was about to bite the child. The           The  moment  she  saw  the  dead  mongoose
          mongoose saw this and pounced on to the snake.  and her husband raging in anger she knew what

          He pulled the snake down the cradle, fought with  had happened.
          it and bit it to two pieces. As he was feeling happy

          about saving the child, there was some noise               In anguish she cried out, “the mongoose had
          outside.                                             saved our child. In haste you did not realise what
                                                               help she had done to us. Instead of being grateful
               He guessed it should be the Brahmin and  you have killed him.”
          ventured out. The mouth was filled with blood
          that oozed out of the fight with the snake. The            The  Brahmin  was  taken  aback  and  rushed
          Brahmin mistook the blood marks on mongoose’s        inside the hut and noted the dead snake by the

          mouth.  He thought  the mongoose has harmed          side of the cradle.
          his child. In anger he beat the mongoose with the          He  felt  ashamed  for having acted in  haste.

        10                                     Bhakthi Nivedana                                         Jan 2022
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