Page 13 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 13

a  -  Why an
                                                                 :la Nive:d
                                                              Ba:la Nive:dana  -  Why and How to Thank God!
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           our acharyas and alwars. One such great stho:thram  us once we take shelter of his Lotus feet. He holds on
           is 'Mukunda Ma:la' by Sri Kulasekhara Alwar which  to us and never let us fall again into this samsa:ra.
           gives an excellent instruction on how to engage our
           senses and sense organs.                                   Then Alwar pleads the pair of eyes to look at the
                                                                 most charming beauty of Lord Krushna because he
                 The tongue does two things, eating whatever  is lauded as 'Madhuradhipathe akhilam madhuram'.
           is available and talking whatever comes to mind.  He is the one who grants permanent bliss. Instead of
           Both when done moderately, help us in leading a  looking at unwanted things let's see the Divya mangala
           better devotional life. One should be righteous and  vigraha of Sri Krushna.
           soft spoken so as not to hurt others. As a result, even
           enemies become friends. Alwar requests, "Oh my             Then Alwar requests the pair of legs to go to
           tongue! always sing the infinite auspicious qualities of   Lord Hari's temple instead of wandering here and
           Kesava who dispels our distress".                     there. "Harir harathi pa:pa:ni" He who destroys our
                                                                 sins, grants all our wishes and rescues us from this
                 Mind  is  capable  of  doing  both  good  and  bad  miserable samsa:ra.
           things. Sri Krushna in Bhagavad Githa states that one
           should uplift oneself with the mind that is free from      Alwar then appeals to the  nose to smell the
           material desires. The mind which is indifferent to    fragrance of Thulasi leaves decorating the Lotus feet of
           material enjoyments is a dear relative of one and the   Mukunda, He who grants freedom from all sufferings
           mind which is attached to sensual pleasures is one's   and bestows liberation. Finally, Alwar appeals to the
           enemy.                                                head to shed ego, bow down and do namaskaram to
                                                                 Lord Vishnu, Adhokshaja who grants us unlimited
                 uddhare:th a:thmana:thma:nam                    bliss.
                    na:thma:nam avasa:daye:th  |
                                                                      jihve: ki:rthaya ke:savam
                 a:thmaivahya:thmano: bandhuhu                            muraripum che:tho: bhaja sri:dharam
                    a:thmaiva ripura:thmanaha (BG 6.5)
                                                                      pa:nidvandva samarchaya:chyutha

                 Alwar is requesting, "Oh my Mind! think  kaththa:ha
           of Muraripu, Sri Krushna", who destroyed Mura                  sro:thradvaya thvam srunu  |
           rakshasa who has five heads representing pancha
           thanmathras, sabda, sparsa, rasa, rupa, gandha- which      krushnam lo:kaya lo:chanadvaya
           drag the senses away from Bhagavan.  When the mind           hare:r gachha:nghriyugma:layam
           is engaged in thinking of Muraripu, he eliminates our
           wickedness.                                                jighra ghra:na mukundapa:da thulasi:m
                                                                 mu:rdhannama:dho:kshajam  ||
                 Next Alwar appeals to the  pair of hands to
           worship Sridhara, the divine  couple,  Lord Vishnu         (Mukundama:la -16)
           on whose chest Sri:, the Divine Mother is inseparably
           residing. She talks on our behalf and increases            Thus Alwar by assigning activities to all organs
           his Kshama guna and requests him to forgive our       gives us an excellent way to restrain them from
           mistakes. Alwar is requesting the hands to worship    material enjoyment and engage in the service of Sri
           the divine couple by offering fragrant flowers, fruits   Krushna and teaches us how we can pay tribute to
           with love.                                            Bhagavan for granting us this wonderful body.
                                                                 - By Sridevi Ankisetty, from the Mukundama:la teachings
                 Alwar then urges the pair of ears to listen to the   of His Holiness Sri Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji
           stories of Achyutha  meaning- one who never leaves

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