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P. 17

                                                                                                s H
                                                                   Ba:la Nive:dana  -  A:nda:l's Healing Words
                                                                      :la Nive:d
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                                                                     To truly experience this, we must go to the next
          A    :n     d    a   :l   ' s                        important meaning of Para. Para in this case refers to
                                                               the Parama:tma, Sri:man Na:ra:yana.  If existence can
          Healing                                              be  likened  to a  tree,  then He  is its  Root,  nurturing  and
                                                               maintaining all of it.  So, service to all beings really is
          W     or        d     s                              service to Him.
                                                                     In the sixth pa:suram of Thiruppa:vai, A:nda:l speaks
          Part 11 -The Purpose of Life !                       of the yo:gis and muni:s who experience Him and how they
                                                               chant the name of “Hari:” to describe three distinct things
               pullum silambina ka:n, pullarayin koyilil       He can do for us, if we put Him in our thoughts.
               vellai velisangin pe:raravam ke:ttilayo:              The first is the story of Pu:tana, which tells us how
                                                               Krishna suckled the poison out of the demons breasts and
               pilla:y yezhundira:y, pe:y mulai nanjundu       killed her (pe:y mulai nanjundu).  Once killed, her body,
               kallachchagadam kalakkazhiyak ka:lochchi  |     free of the poison, began to emit a fragrant aroma.  Pu:tana
                                                               represents prakriti:, this nature, which is filled with beauty,
               vellaththaravil thuyulamaranda viththinai       but also tempts  with all kinds  of  dangerous things that
                                                               can pull us away from Goodness.  By putting Krishna
               ullaththukkondu munivargalum yo:gigalum         in charge, the poisons of lust, greed, anger, hatred, and

               mellayezhundu ariyenra pe:raravam               material pursuits that attach us toward the negative sides
                                                               of the world are removed, bringing the proper attitude
               ullam pugundu kulirinde:elo:remba:va:i  ||      necessary to serve the Good.

              t would not be unhealthy for us, during this ongoing   Next A:nda:l speaks of Krishna’s killing Shakata:sura,
              pandemic,  to  question this  life and  wonder  what  the demon in the form of the cart (kallachchagadam
          Iour purpose is in all of this.  Our Goddess A:nda:l is  kalakkazhiyak ka:lochchi).  The tiny baby Krishna killed
          described as the one who answers this question.  In her  him with just one kick.  Shakata:sura is described as a cart
          opening verses, her thaniyan, Parasara Bhattar Swami  having two large wheels. We are like this cart, operating
          describes her as gifting us with “Pa:ra:rthyam,” which  on two aspects of karma, pa:pam and punyam.  When we
          means  correct vision,  a correct  outlook.    This correct  place ourselves at His Feet, both of these are removed, as all
          outlook  involves the correct understanding of the  word  our actions become kai:nkaryam.
                                                                     Lastly, An:da:l tells of how the muni:s and yo:gi:s
               Para has so many meanings in Sanskrit, but two are  sing of the One who lays on a white snake (vellaththaravil
          offered by our A:cha:ryas on A:nda:l’s teachings.  The first  thuyulamaranda viththinai).  Snakes are very dangerous
          para refers to this world.  We must see all that is around  creatures, so too is the human existence without the Lord.
          us, people, animals, nature, and harmonize ourselves with  For those who are His, the Lord makes His Home our
          them.  After all, we are dependent upon all of them for  heart, guiding us towards good qualities and serving all
          our survival just as much as they are dependent upon us  that is Good.
          for theirs.  While human beings have, to some extent,
          supported one another, they have done little to show the   Being His and Serving Him is the true way to good
          same respect and support to the natural world.  Mother   health.
          Nature has felt this pain, and hence we now struggle with   - By Mohan R Sagar, TX (Inspired by the Teachings
          this dreaded pandemic.  So, we must extend our thoughts   of His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji)
          and feelings towards serving all beings as service to God.

                                                                                                                                             Jan 2022  Bhakthi Nivedana  17
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