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Ba :la Nive:d an a - Th e P r i c e o f Haste!
Ba:la Nive:dana - The Price of Haste!
But there was no use repenting, as his act could But it was not enough to start a business they
not be undone. were planning. They decided to put together some
more, before they can start the business. They
“I know that the price of haste can be had to keep the money in a safe place to protect
very high. I am aware of what I am doing” said it from thieves. Their homes were not secure
enough. Hence they chose to hide it in a pit near
Karataka was not convinced. the banyan tree on the village outskirts.
He said, “I am not sure what you are up to. At a chosen time, when no one was around,
You created and nourished friendship between they dug the pit and hid the money safely.
Sanjeevaka and Pingalaka. Now you are bent upon Then they went on their own ways to put
to create a rift between them. Creating differences together some more money by working harder.
among friends to get our work done will not work
always. Once Mallu tried to betray his friend to After a few months, they achieved their
have his way and paid a heavy price.” targets and decided to pick up their earlier savings
to start the business.
“What was the price and what is the story of
Mallu and friend” enquired Damanaka To their surprise when they dug the ground
at the same place, they could not find any money.
Karataka started narrating the story.
Both started accusing each other for having
Once there were two friends, Mallu and usurped the money. Finally they decided to
Allu. They worked hard and saved some money. approach the village head to find out the truth.
Jan 2022 Bhakthi Nivedana 11