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Ba :la Nive:d an a  -  Samanth  akaman   i - 1 1
                                                                       Ba:la Nive:dana  -  Samanthakamani - 11
          accommodate up to 1000 members at a time, and  reminds  me  of  Prase:najith.  Please  keep  the
          anyone placed in any corner was able to clearly  Samanthakamani with you.”

          hear the speaker.
                                                                     Then Sri Krushna exclaimed “Sathra:jith!" He
               Ugrase:na, who belongs to the Andhaka  smiled with his eyes and said, “Did  Apa:mnidhi
          dynasty, sits in a royal chair and his descendants  tell you that this Jewel has the power to bestow

          Balarama and Sri Krushna stand by his side.  beautiful young girls? I was offered Ja:mbavathi
          Sathadhvana and Kruthavarma are standing  yesterday, and now Sathra:jithi!!  However, this
          on opposite sides.  Sathra:jith belonging to  Samanthakamani was given to you by king of

          Bho:javamsa, stood disheartened opposite to  oceans as a symbol of your mutual friendship.
          them.                                                There  is  no  other  noble  man  like  you  in  this
                                                               universe. Thus, you are the only one who can keep
               As  it  was  an  important  meeting,  everyone   this jewel.”
          attended and the surrounding areas were crowded
          with people. With the permission of Ugrase:na, Sri         The crowd cheered and applauded the
          Krushna showed Samanthakamani to everyone.           decision, creating  a  happy  atmosphere  in

               Sri Krushna addressed the crowd, “People
          of Dwaraka!   Prase:najith is dead. This is                Balarama and Sri Krushna left the place,
          unimaginable. In the forest, a lion killed him and  and the crowd gradually dispersed. Sathadhvani,
          took the jewel; Ja:mabavantha a bear, seeing this,  Kruthvarma and Akru:ra left together in a chariot.
          killed the lion and took the Samanthakamani.
          Ja:mbavantha then gave it to me out of trust in            Every  week,  Samanthakamani  showers

          me.”                                                 gold, and Sathra:jith uses the wealth to perform
                                                               ya:gas and yagnas. By donating untold amounts
               With the permission of Sri Krusha, Ugrase:na  of money, offering free food, and doing numerous
          showed Samanathakamani to everyone.                  good  deeds,  Sathra:jith  has  achieved  great
                                                               reputation and blessings.
               Sri  Krushna  asked,  "O  King  Ugrase:na,
          please hand over the Samanthakamani with your               Sri Krushna has not yet seen Sathyabhama,

          hands to Sathra:jith. Thanks to the grace of God,  so Sathra:jith sent him a photo album called
          I have overcome the great blame of stealing this  " Sathyabhama:parichayaka.” Using a display,
          jewel. Now, my heart is at peace. "                  Sathyabama's photos can be viewed again and
                Sathra:jith immediately got up from his
          seat and said, "Sri Krushna, please forgive me. I          The stunning beauty of Sathyabhama left
          intentionally put  the blame  on you in  order  to  SriKrushna awestruck. When he looked at the

          secure the jewel back. I have hurt your heart, to  visual display it looked as if she was directly in
          compensate for my mistake, I will give you my  front of him.
          daughter as a gift. Please accept her. “
                                                                    -Translated by Neetha Dingari, from Telugu BN
               Sathra:jith continued further “Now what
          will I do with this jewel? When I look at it, it

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