Page 12 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 12

The village head asked, “Do you have any  the ensuing consequences. If we are not aware,
          proof or witness for having kept the money there  we will face humiliation like the cranes faced with
          or removing it from there?”                          the snake”

               Mallu responded “The banyan tree is my                Mallu asked his brother to narrate the story
          witness”                                             of the cranes and snake.

               Village head was surprised and asked both             Come let’s learn about the story of the
          to assemble at the banyan tree the next day to find  cranes  in the next and snake, and what happened
          out the truth.                                       to Mallu near the banyan tree, in the next month’s
               Meanwhile Mallu asked his brother to hide
          inside the hole in the tree and present evidence     - Translated by Balaji Gorantla from Telugu Original by
          on his behalf.His brother asked him, “Are you        Srimathi Molagu Krishna Priya, Veerullapadu
          sure you want to do this? When we try to achieve
          something smartly, we also need to be aware of

          Why and                                              place to another, similarly this body with Indriyas
                                                               headed by Manas (mind) is given by the Lord to get
          How to                                               liberated from this material world with unceasing
                                                               cycle of birth and death and  reach the destination,
          Thank God !                                          His abode to serve eternally.

                                                                     Sa:sthra says the sole purpose of human body
                                                               is to  totally surrender and offer all services to
                  edas mention that there are 8.4 million
                  species of life and the soul after passing          vichithra: de:ha sampaththihi
          Vthrough several species of life gets a human                   i:svara:ya nive:dithum
          body. Human body is certainly the most wonderful
          gift given by Bhagavan. The human body functions           But once in this body, one forgets the purpose
          like a big factory equipped with organs of knowledge   of life and the fickle mind drags one to enjoy material
          (jna:ne:ndriyas) and organs of action (karme:ndriyas)   pleasures.
          which are involved in sensory and motor activities.        This wonderful body constituted of different

          Sense organs respond to external impulses and motor   organs helps us in performing various functions. With
          organs do the necessary work. If a question arises   the help of hands we do several things, with tongue, we
          who is maintaining this amazing factory so efficiently,  talk and taste, with legs, we move around, with eyes,
          Adithya Hrudayam  mentions                           we see different things, with nose, we smell and so on.
                                                               In general, in this world, we always thank anyone who
               e:sha supthe:shu ja:garthi                      does a small favor to us as a sign of gratitude. Then

                   bhu:the:shu parinishttithaha                how can we express our gratitude towards Bhagavan
                                                               who has provided us with this wonderful vehicle called
               Lord Srimannarayana who as Antharya:mi in
          the heart of all beings is awake when all beings are   the 'body'? The only way we can thank the Supreme
          asleep and He is the one who takes care of everything   Lord who is a great 'Donor' is by engaging this body
          at all times. A vehicle  helps in commuting from one   in His service and this is wonderfully instructed by

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