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P. 20

(ayo:dhya ka:nda, 7th sarga, 35th slo:ka)             “I will make Rama go to forest now itself and
                                                               also get Bharatha anointed immediately.”
               “I see no difference between Rama and Bharatha.
          Therefore, I am delighted that the King is anointing       Mantthara was pleased. The angry Kaike:yi
          Rama!”                                               entered the ‘house of wrath’, discarded all her
                                                               ornaments and lied on the floor. The determined
               Kaike:yi was unperturbed by Mantthara’s words.   Kaike:yi  forced Dasarattha to accept her terms  by
          Her motherly love for Rama filled her heart with joy   repeatedly reminding him that being a king, he must
          at the prospect of his kingship.                     adhere to his promises. Broken-hearted Dasarattha
               Mantthara influences                            relented. Bharatha would be anointed as crown

                            Kaike:yi                           prince. Rama  would  go  to  the  forest  for  fourteen
                                                               years. Kaike:yi was satisfied. So were the celestials in
               Watching Kaike:yi beaming in delight,  the skies. They knew that Kaike:yi had triggered the
          Mantthara fumed in anger. Again and again, she  beginning of the end of the evil Ra:vana.

          opposed Rama's coronation. She pointed out that         Taming the unsteady mind
          Kaike:yi would lose all power and influence and
          would have to serve Kaike:yi. Also, Bharatha and his       Let us pause the narrative about Kaike:yi. Let
          progeny would have no say in the royal affairs. By   us observe how unsteady the mind is! Kaike:yi loved
          showcasing their bleak future, Mantthara succeeded   Rama as dearly as her own son. Her first response to
          in influencing Kaike:yi. The panicked Kaike:yi asked   Mantthara was that of pure joy. A little instigation by
          what could be done. Mantthara replied, “Ask the king   Mantthara brought out the hidden feelings of anger,
          to banish Rama into forest and anoint Bharatha in    insecurity, jealousy in Kaike:yi. The loving mother
          his place!’ Encouraged, yet distraught Kaike:yi asked   who treated Rama and Bharatha as equals turned
          her how to attain it. Manthara readily replied, ‘Invoke   into an ambitious queen desiring her son to become a
          the two boons that the king had promised you during   king. Is this not an astonishing phenomenon?
          the battle with Sambara’. Mantthara's resourcefulness
          pleased Kaike:yi. She praised her beauty and                An untrained mind too believes in virtues and
          intelligence, promised to decorate her with ornaments   lives up to them. However, it has some Mantthara-
          once Bharatha becomes the crown prince.              traits embedded in itself! These are the negative traits
                                                               and habits which we pick up randomly over years. We
               Mantthara coached her queen effectively.        know that they are not our best traits, yet we are fond
          Dasarattha would try to wean her away with sweet     of  them due to years of association. Whenever we have
          words, wonderful gifts. But Kaike:yi was not to      to act on virtue instead of narrow selfishness, these
          budge. She should accept nothing less than Rama’s    negative  traits  and  habits  sabotage  us  from  within,
          banishment and Bharatha’s anointment. Burning with   and we succumb to their self-righteousness preaching.
          anger, with long sighs, Kaike:yi said thus:          We become unreasonable and rigid causing harm to

               adya    ra:mamithaha       kshipram    vanam    ourselves and others around. Taming such powerful
          prastha:paya: myaham |                               yet fickle mind is almost impossible!

               yauvara:jye:    cha     bharatham      kshipra        ‘How to tame such turbulent, fickle mind?’
          me:va:bhishe:chaye: ||                               asks Arjuna and Lord Krushna provides an effective
               (ayo:dhya ka:nda, 9th sarga, 2nd  slo:ka)
                                                                     asamsayam maha:ba:ho: mano: durnigraham

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