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P. 22

Prajna News                                      anuka:ra (enacting like Krushna) to make up for
                                                               his  absence,  A:nda:l  wanted  to  do Gopika-anuka:ra
                                                               (enacting like gopikas). As a part of this, Andal
               Andal and Thiruppa:vai                          imagines herself  as one among the gopikas separated

                                                               from Krushna. The gopikas were causing too much
                 his is a lovely story about the Krushna’s     trouble and commotion because of their Krushna
                 dearest devotee, Andal (Go:da De:vi). Way
           Tback in the past, the great Periya:zhvar           bhakti. Krushna, however, would simply tease them
          (Sri Vishnuchiththa) was devoutly serving God        all the time, leaving them in sadness. To resolve
                                                               this, the gopas isolated the gopikas without sight of
          Vatapathrasa:yi  of Srivillipuththur. One day, marked   Krushna hoping that they would forget about him.
          by the Pu:ram star in the A:adi month, Periya:zhvar   But what happened was the exact opposite. Their
          finds in his Thulasi Vana a divine baby girl, an avata:ra   immense bhakti for Krushna only grew! This led them
          of Bhu:devi herself. He names the baby Andal and     to scheme up a way to unite with Krushna.
          brings her up soaked in Krushna bhakti and filling
          her up with stories of the divine pastimes of Krushna.     They wished that a drought should happen in
          Over time, this blossomed into intense love  and  Vrindavana. Why they wished so is because when
          bhakti towards Sri Ranganattha, Krushna in deity  Vrindavana suffered water scarcity in the past, the
          form visible to her.                                 gopas had the gopikas perform a ritual called the
                                                               Ka:tyayani vratha. In this vratha a most suitable gopa
               Because of bhakti, she used to wear the garlands
          made by her father for offering to God every day     boy would be the vratha-na:yaka that would give the
                                                               gopikas a musical instrument called Parai, necessary
          without his knowledge. He would offer them to        for the vratha. Successful conclusion of this vratha
          Vatapathrasa:yi . One day Periyazhvar finds out and   performed over the month of Ma:rgazhi would beget
          gets angry at her, and did not offer the worn garland   rain. Thus the gopikas knew that if a drought happens,
          to Peruma:l. That day, Peruma:l asks Periya:zhvar in   the gopas would have the gopikas do the vratha, and
          his dream as to why he did not offer the garland.
                                                               Krushna would be selected as the vratha na:yaka, in the
               Periya:zhvar said, “I did not give you the garland   pretext of which they could meet Krushna. Krushna
          because Andal wore it already.”                      granted  the  drought  that  the  gopikas  wanted.  And
                                                               then exactly as the gopikas imagined, the gopas had
               But Peruma:l said “That is exactly what I want. I   them perform the vratha with Krushna as the nayaka.
          enjoy the garlands you make because they were worn
          by Andal.”
                                                                     The day before the first day of Ma:rgazhi, they
               Thus, from then on, Periya:zhvaar would have  meet Krushna and ask him for the Parai. Krushna tells
          Andal wear the garland first and only then would he  them all to wake up very early in the morning and
          offer it to Peruma:l.                                then come to wake him up, after which they would all
                                                               go to Yamuna to bathe, and he would then give them
               As this continued, Andal’s love and bhakti for   the Parai. How this played out is what is narrated in
          Peruma:l grew enormously, leading her to despair     Thiruppavai. Andal describes in beautiful detail the
          because she could not obtain him. She lays not       process of the first gopika (herself) getting up very
          knowing  what  to  do,  then  the  Krushna  stories  her   early in the morning, waking up another gopika, those
          father taught show her a way. She remembered what    two gopikas waking up another gopika, and so on
          gopikas did to overcome separation from Krushna      until they all go and wake up Krushna and his family.
          and emulated them. Just as the gopikas did Krushna-  After this they all go to the river Yamuna, bathe, and

        22                                     Bhakthi Nivedana                                         Jan 2022
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