Page 21 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 21

W o men in Sr  i Ra :ma :y an a - 3
                                                                                      Women in Sri Ra:ma:yana -3
          chalam |                                             towards our negative traits. Let us contemplate on
                                                               auspicious  qualities  of God and  have detachment
               abhya:se:nathu kaunthe:ya vaira:gye:na cha      towards the unreasonable desires for objects of senses.
          gruhyathe:  ||                                       Let us learn lessons from the episode of Kaike:yi and

               (Bhagavadgi:tha, 6th Chapter, 35th slo:ka)      Mantthara!

                “Undoubtedly, O Arjuna, the mind is difficult          -Translated by Ramakrishna Tupurani from
          to restrain but by practice and by detachment it can   Telugu BN article of Dec 2021.
          be tamed!”

               Let us practice virtues and have dispassion

                - A:rthi Prabandham continued form page 16     feet of Sriyahpathi Sri:mathsundaraja:ma:thrude:va

               A:rthi Prabandham #13                           (Azhakiyamanava:lan) and  get unshackled from the
                                                               shackles of this samsara.

                Those who live devotedly at the lotus feet of        pu:magal          ko:n          thennarangar
          those  who  do  three  times  mangala:sa:sanam      to   pu:ngazharkuppa:dugama:y
          Emberuma:na:r  will be greatly blessed and graced by
          all the a:zhwa:rs whose devotion to the Lotus Feet of      tha:m magilum selvachchadako:par – the:n
          the Lord is unsurpassed.                             malartha:tku  |

                ethira:san va:zhi yethira:san va:zhi                 ae:yndiniya pa:dugama:m endai ira:ma:nusanai

                yethira:san va:zhi yenrenre:ththi – sadira:ga  |     va:yndenadu nenjame:! va:zh||

                va:zhiva:rgal   tha:linaikki:zh   va:zhva:rgal
                                                                     “Hey! Manas! Take refuge in the divine lotus

                a:zhva:rgal thangalarul.  ||                   feet ofYathirajasa:rvabhowma and attain enormous
                                                               eternal comforts and be happy. Yathira:ja,  regarded
                                     (A:rthi Prabandham # 13)  as the most endearing, soft and sweetest ‘pa:duka:s’ of

                Manava:la Ma:muni says in A:rthi prabandham    ‘prapannaku:tasttha’ Sri:Namma:zhwa:r whose divine
                                                               feet are enchanting like the nectar filled beautiful
                Those who live blissfully in the shade of those  flowers and who represents the divine  pa:duka:s
          persons who pray, eulogize and do mangala:sa:sanams  of the divine lotus feet of Lord Sri:Rangana:ttha,
          thrice to Yathira:ja  would receive the divine grace of  - the epitome of beauty - the divine consort to
          the ten a:zhwa:rs in full.                           SriMaha:lakshmi who has emerged from a lotus and

                A:rthiprabandham # 10                          who dwells in the lotus.”

                                                                     Jai Ramanuja! Jai Ramanuja!! Jai Ramanuja!!!
                Manava:la Mahamuni is entreating his manas-
          “Oh!Manas! Dwell at the sweet divine lotus feet of           - Translated by Ramanujamma Mudumbai from
          Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja whose place of  dwelling is      Telugu.
          in  the  divya pa:duka:s of Sri Namma:zhwa:r  who
          in turn is the divine pa:duka:s of the divine lotus

                                                                                                                                             Jan 2022  Bhakthi Nivedana  21
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