Page 19 - Bhakthinivedana-English-January-2022-Magazine.pmd
P. 19

from the king. Among the many servants that Kaike:yi
                                                               had,  there  was  a  hunch  back  named  Mantthara.
                                                               She had come to Ayo:dhya from Kaike:yi’s paternal
                                                               home. Mantthara’s origins were not known. She was
                                                               a destitute with a deformed body, yet very loyal and
                                                               affectionate towards Kaike:yi. Perhaps, all these made
                                                               her a favourite of Kaike:yi. The queen would share
                                                               her experiences and feelings with Mantthara and in
                                                               turn, Mantthara would always think of welfare of her
                                                               queen. A great intimacy developed between the two.

                                                                Kaike:yi’s motherly love for

                                                                     Dasarattha decided to coronate Rama as the
                                                               crown prince after consulting Vasishtta, the ministers,
                                                               and the people. The coronation was to happen the
                                                               very next day and the city of Ayo:dhya was in festive

                                                                     Mantthara ascended to the terrace of the palace
                                                               and was surprised to see the way city was being
                                                               decorated. Wrath erupted in her heart when she heard
                                                               that the arrangements were for Rama's coronation.
                                                               Quickly she descended the palace and went straight
                                                               to Kaike:yi. She spoke in anger, “Wake up Kaike:yi !
              Kaike:yi and Mantthara                           A great distress is about to surround and submerge

                                                               you. The affection that the king displays towards you
               Amongst the three queens of king Dasarattha,
          Kaike:yi was his most favourite. She was strong and   is false. Your fortunes are departing from you.” When
                                                               Kaike:yi probed further, Mantthara fumed thus “
          courageous. She accompanied him to the battlefield   The king is about to appoint Rama as crown prince.
          against Sambara. Her heroic actions saved him when   Realise that this would forever prevent Bharatha
          he had become unconscious during the battle. He was   from becoming a king. Your co-wife Kausalya would
          pleased with her and granted two boons which she     become  all powerful  and  you would  be  reduced  to
          said she would claim later.

               Rama was born to queen Kausalya, Bharatha to
                                                                     Despite Mantthara’s words of anger, Kaike:yi’s
          queen Kaike:yi and Lakshmana and Sathrughna were     heart was filled with joy at the prospect of Rama’s
          born  to  queen  Sumithra.  Although  Bharatha was   coronation. She said,
          Kaike:yi's son, she loved the other three children as
          well, especially Rama. She often spoke highly of Rama        ra:me: va: bharathe: va:ham vise:sham
          to Dasarattha often.                                 no:palakshaye: |

               The beautiful Kaike:yi resided in a heavenly          thasmaththushta:smi      yadra:ja:    ra:mam
          palace,  proud  of  the  special  attention  she  received  ra:jye:bhipe:kshyathi ||

                                                                                                                                             Jan 2022  Bhakthi Nivedana  19
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